The best position for your pool
We’re often asked how close can I build my pool to a boundary? That’s a really good question and it will differ depending on which council we’re seeking to build that pool under. But it may not just be the distance from the boundary that we have to take into consideration as per the council’s requirements.
Pool positioning – general rules to consider
That distance, by the way, is generally around about a meter but some councils allow us to get much closer. Other considerations we may have to factor are how close we are to other structures that we could potentially damage if we went and excavated your pool too close to that structure. Or it could be a big neighbouring tree and we have to factor the root systems and so forth. Maybe it’s a retaining wall that’s on either side of the boundary. There are little considerations like that. We’ll it take into account as you pool planner to really guide you in how close we can get to your boundary with your swimming pool.