Fibreglass pool advantages over concrete pool
Hey guys. Difference between a concrete pool and a fibreglass pool and this is a great question. So when we look at concrete pools, concrete pools have one really good advantage over fibreglass pools and that is that you can shape them any way you want to shape them. So if the exact shape of your pool is a really important consideration, might be that you need to wrap it around an Alfresco area or you want a set of steps in that particular corner. Then concrete is a great way to go, but on the flip side, a fibreglass pool has some tremendous advantages over concrete.
Fibreglass pool lifetime warranty
The first could probably be described as a warranty. The warranty on a concrete pole is a six-year building work warranty with a warranty on a fibreglass pool, particularly a Compass by limits ceramic fibreglass pool is a lifetime warranty that’s transferable. Surface finish is often a place or a point of disappointment for many concrete pool owners. The reason that is is that because that finish is usually rough and abrasive and it can scratch soft skin after you’ve been swimming for a while. When you’ve got a fibreglass pool, we’ve got a beautiful smooth inner finish, which is nice to the touch.
Other benefits
Pool temperature and heating. A concrete pole is often described as being quite cold to swim in, where a fibreglass pool and particularly a Compass pool with a ceramic core, is going to give you a beautiful swimming temperature year-round. Build time is often an important factor. Concrete pools take a lot longer to build versus fibreglass pools and they’re often projects that go on for a serious amount of time and in that respect, concrete pools …
Pool cost
For anyone looking to purchase one, you need to be a little bit more flexible in understanding that the costs associated with that pool can change over time. Just being a little bit more lenient with the provisional costs of a concrete pool because it’s ongoing building work on your site. Whereas, most of the time when we turn up to install a Compass pool, we’re usually a couple of days involved in the installation of that pool. Therefore, it’s not susceptible to the same types of exposure and situations that you can have over a long build time.
Fibreglass pools surface is easy to take care of
Looking after the pool is a really important thing too. Looking after a fibreglass pool is much easier than looking after a concrete pool. That again comes down to generally the surface finish with all the little grooves and so forth that happen to be in between pebbles or even the grooves between tiles.
I hope that gives you a little bit more info between the differences of a concrete pool and a fibreglass pool and I’m sure when you take all of this into consideration, with everything else you have to, you’ll make the right decision for you.