When thinking of a pool, there are so many decisions to be made. That’s why we at Compass Pools Newcastle strive to guide you through this process. On this page, you’ll find answers to the most frequently asked questions of future pool owners. Check them out!

Is it Best to Install a Pool Before or After a Build

A great question we’re often asked is, “If I’m going to build a house, how do I go about planning the pool?”
Well, if it’s such that you’ve got a block that when the house is built, you’re going to lose your access, it’s really important to consider putting a pool in first. At Compass, we call that a sleeper pool, so you can certainly come and talk to us about installing a sleeper pool. The other consideration is, if you’re going to have access.

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What are some of the biggest pool planning considerations

There are lots of exciting things about building a swimming pool, but one of the considerations you need to take into account is what am I dealing with on my block? In many cases, we are out at properties that have things such as easements, that’s areas that you just can’t build over. It really sort of belongs, it’s on your property, but it really belongs to the council.

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Where should I put my pool

When thinking about installing your pool, thinking about where it goes may come naturally. This might be, “Oh, okay, that’s the spot I’m definitely going to have my pool installed.” Other properties might have tremendous flexibility, and there can be a little bit of consternation over exactly where that pool is going to go. Pool…

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What kind of access do I need for pool installation?

I talk to a lot of people who have anxiety about access to their house. The first thing to let you know is, just about everything is possible. Ideally, we’d turn up at a block, it’d be flat, we’d have no house in that spot and we could drive straight in with all the equipment. Because realistically, when a pool is built, we literally want to turn up with the biggest digging machine, an excavator…

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How much does a pool cost in the Newcastle area?

Often people will walk into Compass or they’ll give us a call on the phone and they’ll say, “How much for a swimming pool?”
Such a great question and it’s a difficult one to immediately answer because there are just so many different options and inclusions and sight differences and things that are particular or may be particular about that pool that will change the overall cost.

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What does a typical pool installation look like with Compass Pools Newcastle

I think that when people build a pool, the first thing you think about is the colour of the pool, the size of the pool, the shape of the pool. But people don’t realize the tile choices for the sun pod, the features around with the glass and the fencing and all of that. I think that your centre showed everything for us and you could plan in everything before you had even broken ground.

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How do I go about buying a pool?

So how do you go about buying a pool? Well, that’s such a good question. There are many steps that we would recommend taking when you’re looking to purchase a swimming pool, whether it’s your first or your 31st, if that’s possible.
But what we certainly recommend, is that you come in and visit us at the Compass display centre, Newcastle, which is in Tomago.

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What is the difference between a Comply and Development and DA approval

What’s the difference between compliant development and a development application? Well, from our point of view in terms of getting your pool approved, not a great deal. It still takes about the same amount of time in order from ordering your Compass swimming pool to us manufacturing it, having all the plans approved and so forth and then turning up at your backyard and installing your pool.

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What is the difference between concrete and fibreglass pools

Difference between a concrete pool and a fibreglass pool and this is a great question. So when we look at concrete pools, concrete pools have one really good advantage over fibreglass pools and that is that you can shape them any way you want to shape them. So if the exact shape of your pool is a really important consideration, might be that you need to wrap it around an Alfresco area or you want a set of steps in that particular corner. Then concrete is a great way to go, but on the flip side, a fibreglass pool has some tremendous advantages over concrete.

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What typically happens on a site visit?

Once we’ve made an appointment with you, we’re going to come out and we’re going to ask you a whole bunch of questions. All that in relation to what you think is really important to your life in owning a pool. This might be your first time, it might be your fourth pool. But what we want to do? We want to get a good understanding of what’s important to you.

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How do I get a DA for my swimming pool?

So how do I go about getting a DA for my pool? Well, when you work with Compass, most of the time we’re going to be involved in walking through that process with you. What I mean by that is that once we’ve decided on the pool, we’ve worked out exactly where it’s going, and we’ve taken all of the relevant measurements.

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How close can I build my pool to the boundary?

We’re often asked how close can I build my pool to a boundary? That’s a really good question and it will differ depending on which council we’re seeking to build that pool under. But it may not just be the distance from the boundary that we have to take into consideration as per council’s requirements.

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What are the heating options for my pool?

Heating systems for pools, guys. Well, first and foremost, almost every time we consult with you about your swimming pool, we’re going to be recommending that we put provisions for heating in your swimming pool. That’s going to enable you at any time in the future to easily equip your pool with a heating system.

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What options are there for sloping or difficult sites

One really exciting feature about a Compass Pool is that literally we can build them in all types of sites and what I mean by that, we can build a Compass Pool right out of the ground if we need to. In fact, we can even go, and we have, installed them on the rooftop of tops of apartment complexes.
Now that all comes about because Compass builds a pool shell that is totally unique.

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How much room do I need for the filtration equipment?

When we talk about filtration equipment, and the size that equipment takes up, we’re really looking for a couple of things. Where is it going to be best located in the backyard, you know, in a place that really suits the overall pool design, and what we’re wanting to achieve with the pool? Where is it going to be placed to make sure everything runs optimally, and in a term that really makes sure that your compass pool is everything we’ve designed it to be?

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How much access do I need to build a swimming pool?

When we’re building a swimming pool, as you can imagine, access is really important. Most people, when I meet them for the first time, if they think their access is a little challenging, I’m most worried about the crane lift. How are we going to get the pool into the property? Surprisingly enough, that’s generally not the big issue.

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What is the Compass Vantage Self Cleaning difference?

Hi guys. Today we’re talking about the Vantage In-Floor Cleaning and Circulation System. And what a tremendous inclusion for you to be able to consider when building a Compass swimming pool. History of the best fibreglass pools 22 years ago, Compass Pools made history by creating the world’s first self-cleaning and circulation system. And there…

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