How much does a pool cost in the Newcastle area?

Often people will walk into Compass or they’ll give us a call on the phone and they’ll say, “How much for a swimming pool?”
Such a great question and it’s a difficult one to immediately answer because there are just so many different options and inclusions and sight differences and things that are particular or may be particular about that pool that will change the overall cost.

What is the difference between concrete and fibreglass pools

Difference between a concrete pool and a fibreglass pool and this is a great question. So when we look at concrete pools, concrete pools have one really good advantage over fibreglass pools and that is that you can shape them any way you want to shape them. So if the exact shape of your pool is a really important consideration, might be that you need to wrap it around an Alfresco area or you want a set of steps in that particular corner. Then concrete is a great way to go, but on the flip side, a fibreglass pool has some tremendous advantages over concrete.